The Stock-to-Flow Model for Bitcoin: A Friendly Warning

Zachary Weiner
4 min readSep 7, 2023


You’ve probably heard of Bitcoin. And if you’ve dabbled in the world of cryptocurrencies, you might have come across the Stock-to-Flow (S2F) model. It’s that impressive-sounding formula that’s been remarkably good at predicting Bitcoin’s price. Well, at least until recently.

In late 2023, Bitcoin’s price has been hanging around $30,000 on average, a far cry from what the S2F model predicted. So, what’s going on? Is the model broken, or is something else at play? Let’s dive in and find out.

What’s This S2F Thing Anyway?

In simple terms, the S2F model looks at how much Bitcoin is out there (the stock) and how much new Bitcoin is being created by miners (the flow). It then uses this ratio to figure out how scarce Bitcoin is, and from there, tries to predict its future value.

Think of it like rare vintage wine. The older and rarer it gets, the more valuable it should become. At least, that’s the theory.

For years, the S2F model was like the star quarterback of Bitcoin prediction models. It nailed the price trends, lining up with Bitcoin’s wild rides up and down the market.

But lately, something’s off. BTC’s price has been stubbornly sticking around $30,000, giving the S2F model’s predictions the cold shoulder. Is this just a hiccup, or is there more to the story?

It’s not so simple.

Bitcoin mining isn’t just a bunch of computers digging for virtual gold. It’s a complex operation, and changes in the mining world can throw a wrench in the S2F model’s predictions.

Imagine if miners suddenly had a magic tool that made mining way more efficient. It could change the whole game. A new, more energy-efficient hashing chip could do just that, changing how much Bitcoin is mined and how much it costs to mine it.

This is more than just a hypothetical scenario; it’s a real possibility. And if it happens, the S2F model might find itself struggling to keep up with the times.

Mining Isn’t Set in Stone

Changing the mining algorithm, adjustments to mining rewards, or even a major shift towards more eco-friendly mining practices could all have unforeseen impacts. Just like predicting the weather, one small change can lead to a whole storm of unexpected outcomes. And when it comes to the S2F model, these changes could seriously shake things up.

Ever noticed how a rumor or a piece of news can send stocks soaring or plummeting? The same goes for Bitcoin. Market sentiment, or how investors collectively feel about Bitcoin, can have a massive impact on its price.

The S2F model, as clever as it is, can’t quite put its finger on the ever-changing moods of the market. If people suddenly fall out of love with Bitcoin or jump on the bandwagon of a new cryptocurrency, the S2F model might be left scratching its head.

Economic Roller Coasters

You know how global events like recessions or changes in government policy can affect your pocket? They can do the same to Bitcoin’s price. The S2F model, focused as it is on scarcity, might not see these big economic waves coming.

Imagine a sudden global economic shift that makes people flock to or flee from Bitcoin. The S2F model might be caught off guard, like a surfer facing an unexpected giant wave.

The S2F model’s assumption that scarcity alone drives value is a bit like saying the only thing that matters in a car’s speed is the engine’s horsepower. Sure, it’s important, but what about the tires, the weight, the aerodynamics?

In reality, value is a complex dance of supply, demand, perception, utility, and more. If the S2F model misses a beat in this dance, its predictions might stumble.

And then there’s the math. The S2F model fits nicely with Bitcoin’s historical data, but some critics say it might be a little too neat. Is it capturing a true pattern, or is it just playing a statistical game, finding a coincidence that looks like a connection?

It’s like finding a lucky penny every time you wear a particular shirt. Is the shirt really lucky, or is it just a fun coincidence?

So, What Now?

The S2F model isn’t a crystal ball, and it’s not foolproof. Like any model, it has its blind spots and limitations. It’s a tool, and like any tool, it’s only as good as how you use it.

If you’re investing in Bitcoin or just fascinated by the world of cryptocurrencies, remember to look at the bigger picture. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, and don’t rely solely on one model, no matter how shiny it seems.

Keep an eye on the horizon, stay informed, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll ride the waves of the cryptocurrency market with grace and savvy.

This Blog Post Co-Authored by AI.
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Zachary Weiner

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